Scripting Interface

The SASS Command Prompt

SASS includes a beanshell scripting interface that supports the execution of either pre-made or ad hoc scripts for easily running and repeating simulations. The interface is accessed through the Plugins menu bar via Plugins > SASS > Command Prompt.

The SASS command prompt.

Inside this prompt you have access to a few Unix-like shell commands by appending (); to the command name. For example:


prints the current working directory.

Running Beanshell Scripts

Beanshell scripts that setup and launch localization microscopy simulations may be run with the source() command. For security reasons, you will want to ensure that the file you are sourcing is trustworthy because the Beanshell interpreter will run whatever code is contained within the file.

Here is how one would launch the example_run_generator.bsh example script from within the command prompt and which launches a basic PALM simulation:


Please be sure to change the path argument above to one for your specific machine, which includes changing / to \ if you are using Windows.

From the shell/command line

To better facilitate batch processing and complex workflows, we made it possible to run a Beanshell script directly from the command line by invoking the SASS .jar directly through the Java Virtual Machine:

java -jar path/to/SASS/SASS.jar -s path/to/examples/example_run_generator.bsh

As you can see, you only need to pass the path to the .jar file on your machine and a -s argument followed by the path to the Beanshell script.

Example Scripts

Example scripts for performing 2D and 3D simulations with PALM and STORM models may be found in the examples folder in the SASS parent directory.