.. java:import:: ch.epfl.leb.sass.models.samples RefractiveIndex ElectricFieldCommandBuilder =========================== .. java:package:: ch.epfl.leb.sass.models.illuminations.commands :noindex: .. java:type:: public interface ElectricFieldCommandBuilder Common methods for commands that build ElectricField generators. A command is like a method wrapped inside an object. :author: Kyle M. Douglass Methods ------- build ^^^^^ .. java:method:: public ElectricFieldCommand build() :outertype: ElectricFieldCommandBuilder Creates a new command for generating an ElectricField instance. :return: A command for generating new ElectricField instances. refractiveIndex ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public ElectricFieldCommandBuilder refractiveIndex(RefractiveIndex refractiveIndex) :outertype: ElectricFieldCommandBuilder Assigns a value to the refractive index field of the command builder. :param refractiveIndex: :return: A copy of this builder with the new refractive index. wavelength ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public ElectricFieldCommandBuilder wavelength(double wavelength) :outertype: ElectricFieldCommandBuilder Assigns a value to the wavelength field of the command builder. :param wavelength: :return: A copy of this builder with the new wavelength.